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Evening Grosbeak
The Evening Grosbeak is featured on the cover of the 2016 PIF Landbird Conservation Plan, as it has the dubious honor of experiencing the steepest population decline (92% since 1970) of all landbirds in the continental U.S. and Canada.
Read more »Golden-winged Warbler
The boldly patterned Golden-winged Warbler has experienced severe population declines across its range in recent decades, including a 98% decline in Appalachian forests, a former stronghold of the species.
Read more »Le Conte’s Thrasher
Le Conte’s Thrasher is an uncommon resident throughout the desert and scrub habitats of the American southwest and northwestern Mexico.
Read more »Lewis’s Woodpecker
Lewis’s Woodpecker population declines are consistent with heavy loss of ponderosa pine habitat in Arizona, British Columbia, Oregon and Washington due to fire suppression, intensive grazing, and logging.
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