PIF Science Presentation: The New Breeding Bird Survey Strategic Plan 2020-30
The New Breeding Bird Survey Strategic Plan 2020-30. Presented by: Veronica Aponte and Adam Smith (Canadian Wildlife Service). Recorded October 2020.
Read more »The New Breeding Bird Survey Strategic Plan 2020-30. Presented by: Veronica Aponte and Adam Smith (Canadian Wildlife Service). Recorded October 2020.
Read more »Includes “New spatial abundance models inform distribution, population, and trends for forest birds in Canada,” presented by Diana Stralberg (Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada and Boreal Avian Modelling Project) and Peter Solymos (Boreal Avian Modelling Project); and “Using species density models to set habitat conservation objectives for declining grassland songbirds in the Canadian Prairie Potholes,” presented by Barry Robinson (Canadian Wildlife Service).
Read more »Becky Keller, Alaine Camfield, and Bob Ford The PIF International Science Committee is a volunteer partnership of scientists from universities, NGOs, and agencies in the U.S, Canada, and Mexico dedicated to advancing scientific concepts and approaches for landbird conservation at range-wide and regional scales. The PIF Science Committee develops and maintains all aspects of the […]
Read more »Ken Rosenberg, Cornell Lab of Ornithology Just as migration experts from 6 countries are gathering this week for a symposium at the PIF VI conference in San José, Costa Rica, a major review of migration stopover and bottlenecks in the Neotropics was published this week in the journal Bird Conservation International. The review article, authored […]
Read more »Greg Butcher Partners in Flight VI, an international conference (http://pifconference.com/) will be in San Jose, Costa Rica, October 30 through November 3, 2017. PIF VI will be held in conjunction with the XXIst Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for Biology and Conservation (SMBC) (www.congresosmbc.org). One of the major advances in conservation biology over the past […]
Read more »Until recently, the basic building blocks for bird conservation planning have rested largely in a related series of databases that assess the status of species across a set of conservation vulnerability factors. Yet differences in methodology, database structure and accessibility, and even philosophy among separate bird conservation partnerships have resulted in a confusing array of […]
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