This is the main page of the Eastern Working Group (EWG) Data Management Team.
The purpose of the Data Management Team is to focus on identifying and addressing limitations and unmet needs for management of bird data in Eastern North America. The group will collaborate with the Full Annual Cycle Conservation and Science Delivery Teams to identify conservation questions that help make data discoverable, integrate data into regional datasets, and endorse standard protocols. This working group could also provide a forum for outreach around information sharing, translating data for public consumption and identifying additional data needs to address emerging themes for conservation action.
In the immediate future, the Data Management Team will work to describe and publish metadata that are already housed in existing data centers and identify high priority data sets to include in these data centers. The group will also work to develop recommendations to standardize data so data can be shared across platforms. If you have any interest in engaging in with the group please read the Data Management Team Framework and contact David Hanni for further information.
The Data Management Team’s framework document provides more details on the purpose, goals, and operating guidelines of the team, and additional content for this page is forthcoming.