This is the main page of the Eastern Working Group (EWG) Full Annual Cycle Conservation Team.
As the Full Annual Cycle Conservation Team, our purpose is to catalyze conservation of Eastern North America’s landbirds by working with partners from throughout the Western Hemisphere to plan, support and deliver coordinated, science-based conservation for migratory birds across their annual cycle. The development and delivery of Bird Conservation Business Plans — plans that provide a strategic framework for coordinated, multi-species conservation across broad landscapes that link different seasons of the full annual cycle – will be the team’s initial priority. As a collective, we will draw on our different organizations’ strengths and capacities to work together through all stages, from planning to implementation, to improve land bird population trends.
In the immediate future, the Team will combine and further develop initial drafts of Bird Conservation Business Plans for the Central and South American Highlands and the Gulf-Caribbean slope. These landscapes are important for Golden-winged Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, Canada Warbler and Wood Thrush, as well as for a myriad of other Neotropical migrant and resident species. In the coming months, the team will produce and post a more detailed schedule for development of these and other plans based on priority landscapes, habitats and species. If you have an interest in engaging in Eastern landbird conservation, including interest(s) in plan development, support, and/or implementation, we invite you to join our team. Please contact Becky Stewart for further information.
The Full Annual Cycle Conservation Team’s framework document provides more details on the team’s purpose, goals, timelines, and operating guidelines, and additional content for this page is forthcoming.