Key Partners for Landbird Conservation
Ultimately, our ability to conserve North American landbirds throughout their annual life cycle depends on PIF’s voluntary network of more than 150 partner organizations throughout the Western Hemisphere. Partners engage in all aspects of landbird conservation, from research, planning, and policy development to land management, monitoring, education, and outreach.
Our conservation partners list continues to grow. The following is only a sample of our network that serve in many capacities; including on the PIF Steering Committee, helping to write bird conservation plans such as the 2016 Landbird Conservation Plan, providing science support, delivering communications, outreach and education, and delivering habitat and policies that help sustain bird populations.
American Bird Conservancy
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Bird Studies Canada
Boreal Avian Modeling Project
Connecting Conservation
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environment for the Americas
Federal Communications Commission
Klamath Bird Observatory
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
Missouri Department of Conservation
National Audubon Society
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Point Blue Conservation Science
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
U.S. Geological Survey
Weyerhaeuser Company
Maryland Bird Conservation Partnership
Regional Partner Networks
United States:
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
Central Valley Joint Venture
East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture
Gulf Coast Joint Venture
Intermountain West Joint Venture
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
Northern Great Plains Joint Venture
Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture
Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
Prairie Pothole Joint Venture
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
Rio Grande Joint Venture
San Francisco Bay Joint Venture
Sonoran Joint Venture
Upper Mississippi River/Great Lakes Joint Venture
Canadian Arctic
Canadian Intermountain Joint Venture
Eastern Boreal (Eastern Habitat Joint Venture)
Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence (Eastern Habitat Joint Venture)
Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture
Prairie Habitat Joint Venture
Southern Shield and Maritimes (Eastern Habitat Joint Venture)
Western Boreal (Prairie Habitat Joint Venture)
Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture
Rio Grande Joint Venture
Sonoran Joint Venture