Nebraska BCR 22 – Assessment Summary
Eastern Tallgrass Prairie (BCR 22) - Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture

Bird conservation Joint Ventures (JVs) were established to help achieve continental bird population goals by
designing and managing landscapes with high value to birds at regional, state, and local scales. JVs develop
Implementation Plans where “focal species” are used to represent guilds and biological models are employed to
translate population objectives into habitat objectives. This summary includes highlights from a JV assessment of bird habitat objectives and landscape trends in the Nebraska BCR 22 (NE-22) “State x Bird Conservation Region.” Objectives in the 2007 JV Implementation Plan were developed using spatial data from 2001, and JV partners have reported significant conservation accomplishments since objectives were established. However, trends in landscape cover types suggest mixed results in maintaining and increasing those land covers associated with key bird habitats. We provide general landscape trends based on the National Land Cover Database (2001 to 2006), comparisons between JV bird habitat objectives and cover type availability, and broad implications of those land-cover trends to bird habitat conservation. Please see the complete NE-22 assessment for more details.
Recommended citation: Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Nebraska 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, MN, USA.