Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plan: The Mid-Atlantic Piedmont (Physiographic Area 10)

The Mid-Atlantic Piedmont is an area of gently rolling topography that stretches in a wide band across much of central Virginia, Maryland, southeastern Pennsylvania, and northern New Jersey. It once supported an extensive hardwood forest that included Appalachian oak, oak-hickory, and pine-oak forest types. Large stands of loblolly-shortleaf pine forest were formerly common in the southernmost portions of this area. Today, roughly 45% of the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont is forested and an equal amount is in agricultural production. The region is experiencing the effects of rapid development, especially in the Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. metropolitan areas. The conversion of forest and agricultural lands to residential use and the resulting need for roads, power lines, and other infrastructure will continue to fragment and isolate undeveloped areas throughout the region into the foreseeable future.