Supplemental Materials - PIF 6 Symposium: Integrating Species and Ecosystem Initiatives (S-PIF-03)
Symposium Presentations, Summary & Synthesis, and Round Table notes
This symposium focused on how the single-species and ecosystem-based bird conservation initiatives can build on individual successes and work together more effectively in the future. Presentations and discussions focused on identifying, implementing, and coordinating on-the-ground conservation actions to enhance benefits across species and ecosystems. Presentations from the individual species initiatives provided a brief history of their group and highlighted current projects and identified pressing needs in the context of integrating actions. Presentations on the ecosystem initiatives (i.e., bird conservation business plans) provided a brief history of their origins, highlighted the common threats identified across species and geographies, summarized conservation strategies that have been suggested to date, and addressed possible next steps. Following the presentations, three round table discussions provided opportunities for participants to discuss conservation strategies for outreach and education, development and protection of protected areas, and supporting best management practices in working landscapes.
Below are links to the symposium presentations, a summary and synthesis of the symposium, and notes from each of the round table discussions help during the second half of the symposium.
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Symposium Presentations
Canada Warbler International Conservation Initiative
Cerulean Warbler Working Group
Golden-winged Warbler Working Group
International Wood Thrush Conservation Alliance
Central & South American Highlands & Gulf-Caribbean Slope Business Plans (ENGLISH) (ESPAÑOL)
Symposium Summary and Synthesis (ENGLISH) (ESPAÑOL)
Round Table Discussion Notes
Education and Outreach (ENGLISH) (ESPAÑOL)