Prothonotary Warbler
Protonotaria citrea
Family: Parulidae
During the breeding season, Prothonotary Warblers are inhabitants of the wet forests of the eastern U.S., with the core of their breeding range in the southeast. Their striking yellow plumage, similar in color to the robes of papal clerks (prothonotaries), is often hidden deep in the swamp during the height of breeding season. Prothonotary Warblers are one of two warblers that use nest cavities, intricately linking their life history to the age and structure of the forest. In the winter, they inhabit the mangrove forests of central and south America.
Prothonotary Warblers likely face their gravest threats from the deforestation and degradation of wintering and breeding habitats. The mangrove habitats in northern South America where the greatest numbers of Prothonotary Warblers overwinter, are being deforested at an alarming rate. In the Southeastern U.S., conversion of bottomland hardwood forests to other uses, coupled with changes in forest structure, likely affect the amount of suitable breeding habitat. Conservation efforts are currently underway through linked research efforts to better understand the annual cycle of this unique species and where this species may be facing the severest limiting factors.
Primary Habitats:
Breeding: Eastern Forest - bottomland hardwood forestWintering: Gulf Caribbean Lowlands - tropical evergreen forest & mangrove
Major Threats:
Breeding: Changing Forest Conditions, Urbanization
Wintering: Tropical Deforestation, Urbanization, Changing Forest Conditions
Conservation Status:
Population Loss Since 1970: 34%
Urgency/Half Life: > 50 years
Global Conservation Status: IUCN 2016-3 Red List – Least Concern
U.S. Conservation Status: N/A
Canadian Conservation Status: Endangered (COSEWIC 2016); Schedule 1, Endangered (SARA)
Birds of Conservation Concern: USFWS – Bird of Conservation Concern
Conservation Responsibilities:
Region | Area Importance | Long-term Population Change | Half Life |
Atlantic Coast Joint Venture | 35% | -35% | > 50 years |
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture | 32% | -53% | > 50 years |
East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture | 20% | -33% | > 50 years |
Gulf Coast Joint Venture | 5% | -33% | > 50 years |
Central Hardwoods Joint Venture | 3% | 28% | > 50 years |
Conservation Opportunities:
Prothonotary Warbler Working Group
Pascagoula River Audubon Center’s Prothonotary Warbler Conservation Program
Species Conservation Plans:
Audubon Minnesota 2014. Prothonotary Warbler Minnesota Conservation Summary
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 2012. Wisconsin Prothonotary Warbler Species Guidance
Environment Canada 2011. Recovery Strategy for the Prothonotary Warbler (Prothonotaria citrea) in Canada
Key Species References:
Peer Reviewed Papers:
- Bulluck et al. 2017. Feather carotenoid content is correlated with reproductive success and provisioning rate in female Prothonotary Warblers
- Twedt and Wilson 2017. Breeding birds in managed forests on public conservation lands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley
- Wolfe, J.D. and E. I. Johnson. 2015. Geolocator reveals migratory and winter movements of a Prothonotary Warbler
- Hoover, J.P. 2003. Decision rules for site fidelity in a migratory bird, the Prothonotary Warbler
- Wolfe, J.D., M.D. Johnson, and C.J. Ralph. 2013. Greater mass increases annual survival of Prothonotary Warblers wintering in northeastern Costa Rica
- Hoover, J.P. 2003. Multiple effects of brood parasitism reduce the reproductive success of Prothonotary Warblers, Protonaria citrea
- Petit, L.J. 1991. Adaptive tolerance of cowbird parasitism by prothonotary warblers: A consequence of nest site limitation?
Management Guide: