Registration is $25 (US and CAN partners only) for one or all sessions, if you can afford it. Register here. Regardless, we are interested in your planned attendance. Please click this link to indicate what sessions you plan to attend.
Agenda and Zoom Links
We are meeting virtually from 1 pm – 4 pm on Oct 28th, and 12 pm – 4 pm on the other days. Happy Hours are scheduled after a few of the days, particularly on 11/10, Dan Casey’s retirement bash!
Full Agenda and Zoom links here.
Agenda Overview
October 28th – 3 Billion Birds
Meeting objective: Provide a background on the international response to Three Billion Birds Gone and generate a future vision for bigger, bolder and more successful bird conservation in the west.
November 10th – Grassland Birds
Meeting objective: Promote and coordinate cross-border collaboration on grassland bird research and monitoring to ensure data collected across both breeding and wintering ranges are used together to achieve goals identified in tri-national conservation initiatives (i.e. the Grassland Roadmap Summit and the PIF Road to Recovery)
Special Event: 4:00 Happy Hour Celebration of Dan Casey’s Retirement!
November 12th – Birds and Agriculture
Meeting objective: A continuation of the grassland bird discussion, with a focus on threats posed by agricultural practices and opportunities for mainstreaming bird friendly/regenerative agriculture and blending science and messaging; tie-ins to the overall Grassland Bird conservation picture and the Road to Recovery. Come away with a set of concrete actions with which to move forward.
November 19th – Motus
Meeting objective: Collaboration on the further expansion of the western Motus network. Updates, presentations on specific projects, and planning the future.