Registration is $25 US for one or all sessions. If attending more than one session, use the Promo Code (sent to you via e-mail after payment) to register for the subsequent events for free!
Pay as agency rules or your personal bank account allow. If you cannot afford it, you may request a Waived Registration Fee by sending an email to with the subject line, “Waive my registration fee”. You may leave the body of the text blank or leave a note of explanation, as you wish.
Registrar aquí — Register here
Si planeas asistir a más de una sesión, usa el Código Promocional (enviado por correo al finalizar el pago) para registrarse al resto de los eventos gratis.
Pedimos que todos los participantes paguen de acuerdo a las reglas de tu agencia, o como lo permita tu cuenta de banco. Damos la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes y a quienes la tarifa sea una dificultad. Por esto, se podrá solicitar una exoneración de la cuota de registro enviando un correo electrónico a con el asunto, “Exonera mi tarifa de registro”. Puedes dejar el contenido del correo en blanco o especificar que condición se asemeja mejor a tu solicitud.
Agenda and Zoom Links
We are meeting virtually from 9 am – 1 pm Pacific Time on March 17th, and April 7th, 13th, and 14th. But Come Earlier!!!! — Join us for an informal virtual coffee each day from 8:30-9 am Pacific — bring your coffee/snack/lunch, whatever. We’re scheduling one official Happy Hour on April 14th, it’s on the agenda.
AKN and Motus agendas are here.
Western Forest agendas are here.
Agenda Overview
March 17th – AKN
Meeting objective: A clear and better understanding of the current state and future direction of the AKN. Specifically, how it the AKN can improve bird conservation goals for individuals, organizations, and the greater bird conservation community. This will be an example of PIF Game changer #1: “Unprecedented collaborations”.
April 7th – Motus
Meeting objective: The build-out of the motus network in the west continues! This meeting will provide an update on where we stand, what towers and projects are on the horizon, and an exchange of ideas on how to overcome challenges. There will be regional breakout sessions and brainstorming.
April 13th – Western Forest Conservation I
Meeting objective: Using threats common to forest management from Canada through Central America, our international slate of speakers will address solutions to forest conservation from big picture perspectives to examples of focused, local action.
April 14th – Western Forest Conservation II
Meeting objective: Develop a Roadmap for Action. Using information and examples presented on day 1, this day will be be focused on providing our Joint Ventures, Federal, Provincial, and State agencies, and NGOs, tools, plans, and actions can help them achieve their conservation goals. Over-riding themes — fitting into the Trudeau and Biden-Harris Climate Change initiatives; achieving the international 30×30 goal; and more.