Conservation Investment Strategy for the mid-elevation forests of Central and South America

This Plan is focused on forests and agroforestry systems located at mid-elevations in Central America and northern South America, which are recognized as critical habitats for several species of migratory birds in steep decline.
Conservation targets for this plan:
- Mid-elevation forests in Central America (between 750 and 2000 m) and South America (between 1000 and 2250 m)
- Agroforestry systems including coffee, cocoa, and cardamon (in the same elevation range defined above for forests).
- The Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea), and Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chysoptera).
In addition to the target habitats and species targets described above, human well-being in the communities and populations within the area of influence of the plan is a target. Specifically, three of the dimensions of human well-being laid out in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ( were selected: material well-being, health, and security. This target encompasses rights such as the right to live in a healthy environment, to have secure and stable access to natural resources (e.g., clean water), and to have a sustainable livelihood that ensures access to housing and food security.
Download Files
Executive Summary - Mid-elevation forest conservation investment strategy (English)
Resumen ejecutivo - Plan conservación bosques a elevaciones medias
Plan de conservacion bosques a elevaciones medias Centro y Sur America