The Desert Bird Conservation Plan
A Strategy for Protecting and Managing Desert Habitats and Associated Birds in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts

Lead Author:
Chris McCreedy, PRBO Conservation Science,
Supporting Authors:
Melissa Pitkin , PRBO Conservation Science,
Jennie Duberstein, Sonoran Joint Venture,
Kim Kreitinger, PRBO Conservation Science
Ryan DiGaudio, PRBO Conservation Science,
Developed by California Partners in Flight and PRBO Conservation Science, the Desert Bird Conservation Plan (BCP) is a non-regulatory document intended to educate and assist land managers and researchers interested in improving desert habitat for bird populations. The plan addresses management and conservation issues of the Mojave and Lower Colorado River Valley section of the Sonoran Desert, two desert eco-regions that encompass southeast California, southwest Nevada, western Arizona, and northwest Mexico. The plan provides an overview of desert ecology, the challenges facing desert ecosystems and its birds, species accounts for 15 desert focal species, desert bird population targets, overall conservation objectives for the Mojave and Colorado deserts, specific recommendations, and guidance for implementing the plan.
Though the Desert BCP was originally conceived to address desert habitats exclusively in California, interest in a comprehensive, habitat-based desert plan extends beyond California’s borders into Nevada, Arizona, and northern Mexico. The Desert BCP therefore addresses Mojave and Colorado Desert habitats throughout a multistate / transnational region with the goal of complementing and adding to existing bird conservation plans in Nevada, Arizona, and Mexico.
Recommended Citation
CalPIF (California Partners in Flight). 2009. Version 1.0. The Desert Bird Conservation Plan: a Strategy for Protecting and Managing Desert Habitats and Associated Birds in California. California Partners in Flight.